___care recommendations


routine care is a must if you want to keep your jewelry looking its best.

strong chemicals, sulfur, sweat and perspiration, chlorine and harsh sunlight can tarnish and corrode the brilliant shine in jewelry you love. so please take care of it, in order to avoid misfortune.

it is optimal to remove jewelry during the following activities


___household chores, such as dishes, laundry, and when using cleaning supplies

___when exercising, at the gym or playing contact sports

___when showering or bathing

___swimming,  hot tubs or saunas

___very hot places

___when putting on lotion, makeup, hair products, etc

___preparing, cooking or eating foods that contain sulfur

___outside chores or tasks, such as gardening

keep in mind that preventative care is always easier than aftercare!

use a simple microfiber cloth or special jewelry cloth to clean your goods. avoid using paper towels or toilet paper.

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